Blast From The Past Review – Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (4.6/5) [Comic-Con Special]

How’s it going, everyone! It is time for another blast from the past review. This is where I talk about the best of the best that entertainment has to offer. Call it a classic review if you like because its about the same. Anyway, since its comic con week I have to batten down the hatches and pull up some updates here and there. In which case a article on my hopes and expectations of the conference is right in the works so keep that in mind. Now with that out of the way lets get into a review of an anime that personally latches towards our inner geek.
Image result for fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
Image result for fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is an alternate retelling of the 2003 hit anime, Fullmetal Alchemist. It tells the story of the Elric Brothers, Edward and Alphonse, who are on a dangerous journey to find the Philosopher Stone which would hopefully return what they have lost in the past. But as they venture the many corners of the world they soon discover that a darker plot is unfolding and that finding one magical stone would change everything. For both good and bad.
Image result for fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
Image result for fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
What I mention might feel like its the same story or narrative from the previous FMA. However, once you get into Brotherhood it easily becomes more compelling and incredibly ambitious as its predecessor. There are a lot of improvements that have made this anime one of the most talked about in its time. Character development has become a more crucial factor in this anime. Every main character and side character from the previous FMA have garnered a deeper and wider view of their background/history. A great example of this change comes from one of the episodes in part 3 where Hawkeye talks about the War in Ishval and how it has effected her comrades and herself as well. From that you get a better connection of these characters and why you should either root for them or go against them. It perfectly ties in to the story and helps carry the tone and theme throughout the series. As the show progresses, we are introduced to new faces that are within that same formula and what their personal goal is. It definitely drives the story to a better point of view of the Elrics’ journey and how they can get around it. This leads up to one of the show’s many great moments.
Image result for fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
Image result for fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
From top-notch action to drama, Brotherhood manages to balance those aspects to a degree that is both suitable for anime fans, superhero fans, or the average tv viewer. Perhaps one of the most shocking moments of the show derive from the show’s final chapter. Part 5 brings in the most epic clashes yet. It drastically defines the series for smart writing and awesome animation that I have ever seen. This is mostly because the show has held that position since its debut in 2009. It makes for some sharp dialogue and consistent pacing. The only gripe I might have with the series that it can start a little clunky in its first chapter. Seeing that it is 2003’s FMA with better animation there are times where the episodes can either go too fast or don’t really balance that much. But its nothing to get worked over about since Brotherhood picks up after the Edward vs. Greed battle.
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Overall, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is a fantastic anime. It easily captures everything that has made anime a spectacle for tv. With a compelling story about two brother’s and the sacrifices and choices that were made its clear that Brotherhood is way more than just an average retelling. Its a blast.

Favorite Acts
Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5 (AMAZING!!)

Least Favorite Act
Chapter 1

So what do you guys think? Have you seen FMA Brotherhood? Leave a comment below and let me know. Peace out!


Published by ejboy1994

Salutations, my friends. My name is Eric Avery, but most people call me EJ. I'm 22 years old and I'm currently attending College at the moment. As much as I like to call myself a gaming enthusiast I also like music, movies, and tv shows. And my website is the perfect spot to share my thoughts on that matter. Btw, I chose Toon Link as the main theme of my website because he is my favorite video game character in the legend of zelda series.

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